about alejna

  1. I am a ______-year-old _______.
    a) 12, squid
    b) 41, woman
    c) 1, party game guaranteed to please the crowd
    d) blue
  2. I am currently in _____.
    a) grad school for linguistics
    b) a box
    c) really big trouble
    d) all of the above
  3. I am ______ ______.
    a) usually tired
    b) happily married
    c) wearing pajamas
    d) all of the above
  4. I have a ______ ______ named _____,
    a) six-year-old daughter, Phoebe
    b) sewer alligator, Fred
    c) big toe, Philippa
    d) false
  5. and a ______ ______ we call ______.
    a) little boy, Theo
    b) throbbing headache, Margaret
    c) dust bunny, Herbert
    d) only on Tuesdays, Fridays and the third Sunday of July.
  6. I think ______ is a funny word.
    a) pants
    b) pants
    c) pants
    d) a and b, but not c

Okay, and here’s a picture John took of me:


last updated: September 17, 2012

52 thoughts on “about alejna

  1. oh, if you think pants are a funny word you might enjoy the silly british teen series, The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson (first book: Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging) There are some funny things about the word PANTS

  2. dinsan-

    painted maypole-
    Ooo, a silly British teen series. That sounds right up my alley. I’m a bit of an Anglophile. I find the word snog to be pretty funny, too. (And, by the way, studying linguistics would not save you from typos and other erros. I make thems all the ttime.)

  3. Hi, I am an editor at http://www.ListAfterList.com and in surfing the web, I came across and really like your blog. What caught my eye in particular was your pigeon list. This is exactly the kind of info that we are trying to get users to contribute and share with others on our site – in list form of course.

    If you don’t mind, I actually made a list of it and put in onto our site with full attribution to you and a link back to your blog. You can see it here http://www.listafterlist.com/ListAfterListcomListsAbout/tabid/57/ListID/8261/Default.aspx If you are not comfortable that I did that, just let me know and I will take it down.

    Finally, we’d really like it if you’d create lists based on your blog entries. At the bottom of the “create a list” input form you will be able to enter a Source (that’s you) and a URL in-bound link to your blog home page or the specific post on your site. Most people just put “For more information, go to Collecting Tokens” or something like that, and then in the URL field they enter the URL they want folks to go to. Consider even putting partial lists so users have to link back to your site to see the rest.

    Anyway, keep up the great work with your blog and good continued good luck with all that you are accomplishing online. :)



  4. Pants is an amusing word. But not nearly as funny as slacks. Slacks.

    I’m also amused by blouse.

    BTW, only a real woman could get away with accessorizing with a fish hat. Hope you coordinated it with your pants.

  5. Speaking of blouses, I do like the expression ‘big girl’s blouse’ (as in “he’s such a big girl’s blouse” i.e. a bit wet/not exactly an alpha male)

    And what do the English do once they get past the snogging? They shag.
    Not the totally most attractive expression for it… But funny.

  6. rachel-
    Thanks for the link.

    Yes, I am Quite Serious.

    Slacks and blouse are pretty funny. Also socks. But oddly enough, there is nothing remotely funny about the word garment.

    You may ask yourself. (And I may ask you also. How did you get here?)

    ‘Slacks’ funnier than ‘pants’? Them’s fightin’ words. (And I have not yet pondered much the funniness of ‘meal.”)

    I hadn’t heard the expression ‘big girl’s blouse.” That’s pretty funny. (I also quite like the word ‘snog.’)

  7. I thought I was the only person who finds “pants” funny.

    Pants. See?

    Love the blog. I’m blogrolling you!

  8. Hello, being British I believe every Bristish word is vastly amusing. Pants, snog, tart, bog, loo… (tittering here). Great blog, great humor, good luck with your studies.

  9. Hello, I am Javanese by birth so my English is not as good as native speakers. I can see that your blog is inspiring. Great!

  10. Hi,
    The sister of a friend of a friend…of a friend….of yours passed along the link to your blog. In the category of concidences, I have a 3 1/2 year old named Phoebe and a 15 month old named Theo. and we live in Massachusetts. My Phoebe was the easiest baby in the world; my Theo, not so much. Love the blog!

  11. I followed you over from wreke’s place and love what you’ve got going on here. Pay no attention to the digging I’ll soon be doing through your archives. You are a funny gal.

  12. Hello,

    This is a great site. I have been reading it and shuffling through your archives for a while now. We would love to work with you if you are interested. Email me anytime.

  13. I’m a new blogger, and thought that I would only be into serious issues, but i realized that PANTS raises some serious issues. Why is pants in plural form, when few people wear more than one at a time? Why is it usually called a “pair” of pants. And why do people say they’re buying “short pants” when no one goes into a store asking for “long pants”? Perhaps as a linguistics student you can answer these questions.

  14. unabashedtruthteller-
    Thanks for your visit, and for your great question! You know, it’s funny. I was just thinking about pants this morning, or the word pants. And I was realzing that I have yet to do a linguistic analysis of pants, which is something I’ve been meaning to do for ages. Hopefully, I’ll get around to some posts on the topic. Coming up soon: the truth about pants.

  15. As a certified British person, is it too late for me to tell you that in UK English, ‘pants’ refers to ‘underpants’?

    What you call ‘pants’, we call ‘trousers’. And the plural paradox applies there, too. I’ve never bought a trouser, for instance.

    This is probably one of the most profound comments I’ve ever made. If it helps, I’m scratching my chin in a thoughtful manner.

  16. fatboyfat-
    Thankyou for your profound and thought-provoking insights. Not many are willing to plumb the depths of pants like that. (And for the record, as a long-time sufferer of acute anglophilia, I had been familiar of the nature of your pants. And by “you,” I mean, of couse, British people. Having just met you, the individual, I am less familiar with your personal own choices in undergarments.)

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