two birds with one post

It’s Saturday, and for me that often means I post an entry to PhotoHunt. This week, the theme is “birds.”

Meanwhile, Becky of Welcome to My Life has informed me that she has posted the interview that she did with me as part of The Great Interview Experiment. So, I thought I should put up a post about that as well.

I had a lot of fun answering Becky’s questions, and I love the way she posted my answers along with some additional dialog. Go have a look:

If you’re having dinner with zombies, be sure to wear your nylon lamé pants, and use the good china. My Great Interview Experience.

I do rather have the feeling that she found me to be a bit of an odd bird. (But I suppose I am.)

Speaking of birds, here are a couple of photos I took of some birds in San Francisco last June. As they were flying towards me, I thought they were seagulls. But as they got close and flew overhead, I saw that they were pelicans. (Or at least I believe them to be pelicans.) What’s more, I was pretty impressed with how clearly I managed to get a shot of two of them, considering I was just using my little point-and-shoot.

For more people shooting birds, go pay a visit to the other PhotoHunt entries at tnchick.

For more people shooting the breeze with The Great Interview Experiment, go pay a visit to Neil at Citizen of the Month. (And please check out my own interview with Voix de Michèle.)

Two birds, coming over the horizon.

Two pelicans fly overhead.

Pretty cool, don’t you think? (This is a crop of the one above, by the way.)

10 thoughts on “two birds with one post

  1. Those are the best pelican photos I have ever seen! (and yes, they are definitely pelicans) (and yes, I have seen a fair number of pelican photos… one of my hobbies is bird-watching)

    Pretty much everyone worth knowing is an odd bird. I enjoyed reading your interview! :)

  2. By the way, the expression “to kill two birds with one stone”, which is kind of morbid in English, becomes “prendere due piccioni con una fava”, or “take (catch) two pigeons with one fava bean” in Italian.
    Free associating. I should go to bed.

  3. Wow, great shot. I was boating near an island off the Louisiana coastline a year ago and there were hundreds of these bird flying overhead. They look prehistoric. So bizarre.
    Great photo.

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