catching up (or a cream cheese update)

I’ve wanted to avoid the sort of post that says “sorry I haven’t been posting lately,” but well, um…It would appear that I haven’t been posting much lately. So, um…Sorry?

Things have been busy, and I find myself too tired to write the posts I’ve been meaning/wanting to write. (It has not escaped my attention that I haven’t even posted a “Themed Things” list in 3 weeks.) I mentioned a few months ago that I would be spreading myself a bit thin over the next few months, much like too little cream cheese for too big a bagel.

Well, as often happens, I enthusiastically used a lot of cream cheese up in those early weeks. But the truth is, there is still a lot of bagel to cover. I’ll be co-teaching an 4-week course starting this Tuesday, which will need a healthy amount of cream cheese. Then my group at work is planning to submit at least one abstract (hopefully two) to a conference with a deadline of January 18th, for which we have a lot of work to do, and for which I have committed quite a bit of cream cheese. There are other school- and work-related odds and ends I’ve committed to, which will require dabs and dollops here and there. Holiday travels and activities, while good, ended up taking up more cream cheese than I’d anticipated. Phoebe requires quite a lot of my available cream cheese, as always. So it would appear that blogging is the part of the bagel that has had to go with the thinnest coating of cream cheese, and at times must make do with no cream cheese at all. I’m not yet ready to give up that part of the bagel, but realistically, it may not get a decent layer of cream cheese for a few weeks yet.

There are lots of things I’d like to share, like photos from our trip and other stuff that’s been going on. I also have a few posts I’ve been planning, both of a serious and a frivolous nature.

(Speaking of things of a frivolous nature, I noticed a couple of weeks ago that due to some sort of WordPress change, suddenly a whole list of pages I’d carefully hidden away were exposed right there on my front page index, including a page that consists entirely of the word pants repeated 100 times. My stats indicated that this page was viewed 8 times before I hid the pages away again, and that other related pages were also viewed. If you are among those people who stumbled across those pages, I can only wonder what you thought of them. I mean, beyond the usual, “damn, alejna’s weird.” Or “wow, she really does love pants.”)

14 thoughts on “catching up (or a cream cheese update)

  1. Don’t sweat it, Alejna! I love your cream cheese, but I’ll wait until you have a chance to re-stock.

    By the way, I didn’t see your “hidden” pages, but I would have loved to! Did you get any comments on the “pants” post??? ;)

  2. We can wait.. :)

    By the way…awhile back I mentioned the Georgia Nicolson books (by Louise Rennison) because one of the characters, Dave the Laugh, puts “pants” into everything. Well..the newest book, to be released in July, is called Stop in the Name of Pants. Gotta love it. :)

  3. we already know you are weird. we love you more for that.

    can’t have a bagel without enough cream cheese, so you keep spreading and we’ll wait, babe.

    pants pants pants pants pants pants pants pants.

  4. Leave it to you to put a cheesy spin on a “I’m sorry I haven’t been around post.” I am very patient when it comes to the cream cheese. Spread away and I’ll take what I can get!

  5. How did I manage to miss the pants page? Damn!

    Also bagel and cream cheese metaphors? Bad idea. It just made me hungry and then I had a hard time concentrating.

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